Tag Archives: relationships

New Year & Your Resolutions

A new year.
Just 24 hours ago, you were considering new goals, new resolutions, new dreams, new commitments and a new outlook on life. Each year, we see people posting about it while others giggle about it too.
Sure, it’s only another day but with a different number attached to the year, but it’s up to you on allowing it to be that clean slate you have wanted.

My reminder is that you never want to burden yourself with unrealistic goals. Keep your life simple and not allow family, friends or the news bring your down with negativity. I know that it’s harder with family. Many pretend to have it all together, but they don’t and they are far more miserable than you think and passing judgement on you and as they make fun of others is only a small reflection of the tortured and rotten souls they have within. Avoid them.You might be born into it, but you don’t have to belong.

You can always create goals throughout the year.

Go easy on yourself. Relax a little. Keep your goals simple to obtain them and feel great when you accomplish them. Now get on with your bad ass self!!
Peace within ~ Peace comes out.
Love within ~ Love comes out.


Black Sheep

I worked, played, stalked by a creep and contacted the Feds, my father passed away, going back to blonde, health goals met, started noticing some flirting though “Stella ain’t got her groove back” yet – and survived it all.

I realize after hearing stories, that I’m nothing like the rest of the family and I’m extremely grateful for it. I’ll continue to treasure being the ‘black sheep’ of the family. It’s what I do best. I wish I had learned this years ago, but now is fine too. I am not sorry if you’re reading this. I do not like how you treat each other. A family gathering with you all is described as: A rabbit hole filled with cobras wearing crosses.

I do have a renewed faith in friendships again. Friendships really are like a garden, you have to remove the weeks to see the real fruit/veggies who feed (encourage etc) you as much as you feed (encourage etc) them. Update: I paused while writing this ‘blog’ and ended up finding this article called, “5 Tools for Pulling Weeds from Your Heart”  By Genevieve Schmitt.

Yep – this is probably the same shit written another year gone by. I don’t like to do too much details, it is after all, the Internet. I know all too well that there are some mentally unstable people out there who need to get help. So if this is boring, I’m proud that it is now.

I shall leave you with some of my favorite quotes – maybe they can inspire those of you who stumble on this blog:

“To thine own self be true…..”
~Shakespeare or Sir Francis Bacon depending on how much history you really are into.
“Above all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it.” ~ Unknown
“If you’re absent during my struggle, don’t expect to be present during my success.” ~Actor, Will Smith
I bend like a weed in the wind; My enemies perfect me.
Before enlightenment – chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment – chop wood, carry water.
~Zen Buddhist Proverb
Tomorrow always comes, and today is never yesterday. ~S.A. Sachs
Reason and faith are both banks of the same river. ~Doménico Cieri Estrada
“Philosophy, rightly defined, is simply the love of wisdom.”
~Marcus Tullius Cicero
“Maybe some women are not meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with”.
~~Carrie Bradshaw – Sex and The City

A Humble Man Goes A Long Way

Advice I gave to a young man is paying off from a break up: “Lay it all out there with her. If you guys love each other – do what it takes. Ask her two questions. 1. Can we work on this together? 2. Would you like to be with me?”

She loves him. They are going to work it through. The power of a humble man beats pride any day. Truth wins.

Two days later, I received a text saying “thank you” from him. We chatted a bit more and I told him:  “A humble man goes a long way. Just one thing, don’t let it get abused. You will know that line by your intuition. Women are visual as well. It’s the one misunderstanding I think men have. We need to see the actions of love. There ya go. For the rest of your life, you have the key.”

Not long after I messaged that, this came across my Twitter feed:
Don’t believe people who tell you they love you. Believe the people who show you.

I have dated some really prideful men when all I needed was to be shown vs words or hell, maybe even hearing would have been enough in one relationship. This isn’t about a man chasing a woman. This is about a man loving a woman and doing his part to keep things fresh, alive, grounded, stable and again: his part. What she does after that is her part. I don’t need to go deeper than this, I already advised for him to not let it get abused.

I don’t want to see this young couple fizzle into the trap of moving on and have the wash, rinse, repeat syndrome. There is no perfect partner – there is only a partner who is perfect for you.

Love isn’t a battlefield. It would be more of a bed of roses. They have thorns, beauty and all are uniquely different. It takes work to cultivate a good environment to get these beautiful creatures to grow. When two are side by side with equal care, they are amazing. Their roots will touch each other, drink the same water, share the same ‘bugs’ (aphid etc), require the same amount of light and shelter – but still remain the same unique rose as an individual.

Love from within your soul.cydylc3wgaeg9r2


Intuition & Instinct: Which one do we listen to?

the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.

a natural or inherent aptitude, impulse, or capacity.

Dreams are pretty interesting really. They can shows and teach us things that we may not have thought about while awake. Other times, they are a mix of goofy moments we did during the day or something we watched.  The dream I had last night revolved around a game called Space Engineers and I think a little bit of either Event Horizon or Alien slipped in the mix.

I was the Captain of a space craft and we were docking to board another ship that had not been answering back for some time.  I had a crew of five going over with me. My intuition was alarming me that something was clearly wrong with this picture of course.  Even though the oxygen was on at the second craft, I wouldn’t let any of us take our gear off.  All was quiet. Too quiet.

Going past a couple rooms that were empty and rounding a corner where the dining area is, we immediately see carnage of bodies. I will spare the details. Without hesitation, I told the crew we are to evacuate quietly and now. One started to argue that we were there to investigate and asked how I knew we were in danger. I replied that the blood was not fully dry.  I was a Captain of a space ship, not an investigator.

Intuition and instincts.

It hit me after I woke up that I was willing (in dream) to listen to both intuition and instincts. Why? Was it because there was blood? There was obvious danger?  What made me think not to take off our suits? I was thinking ahead. So the outcome wasn’t like we see in the movies where one dummy defies orders and takes it off, ends up with an alien rammed down his throat, we go back to the ship and it continues on. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Why don’t we use our intuition better with our daily life?  Why do we ignore signs and excuse people or their behavior? Is it because we have been taught to give chances from forgiveness?  It’s probably the best answer I can come up with.  In abuse situations, the victim stays with the abuser and forgives their words or actions, but it continues on again.

to cease to feel resentment against (an offender).
to give up resentment of or claim to requital for.
to grant relief from payment of.

Just because you forgive, it doesn’t mean you allow the person to continue to abuse, mistreat, disrespect, or to continue whatever it is that they keep doing.  So in repeat situations, it is not a habit, it is part of who they are, which brings me to control.

to exercise restraint or direction over; dominate.

You must control yourself with action and words to keep from repeat moments.  Learn to listen to your intuition before it becomes instinct. There is no need to feel the ‘flight or fight’ from epinephrine rushing through your body because you’re stressed out, angry or fear your situation. It cases increased heart rate, blood pressure, cardiac output and carbohydrate metabolism. Go – look it up. Epinephrine.

You cannot control others. They must master their own mind, soul, tongue and actions. They must see within their core being to change. You have no control over this – even if you or a counselor were to point it out. You have no control.

an act that one consciously wills and that may be characterized by physical or mental activity.

It speaks far louder than words and if you do not see progress on their side, it’s time to keep working on yourself and move forward. You may find that you will have to leave that person behind. Words are cheap, but action is worth gold.

So trust your intuition before your instincts kick in.

Featured image for the movie Alien.

Communication: Stick With The Plan

Communication. It’s vital in every situation, but more importantly – when both or all understand and stick with the same plan. When someone changes things without reasoning or informing the other(s) and then gets disappointed because the other person or team isn’t doing right by their plan….well, that just isn’t good communication.

Executing on the goals as a team.
Stay on target. (Damn straight I had to do a Star Wars line)
Good outcome.

It seems simple, I know. The sad fact is, many people don’t do communicate well. If you don’t have a good memory, it’s best to keep a journal to look back on. If you have to email yourself a reminder or put it on your online/desk/wall calendar – do so. You can’t expect others to read your mind. It will save time and relationships (work/love/friends/family).

Value: What is it?


I hear a lot of the ‘self-worth’ talk lately and I think in some ways it’s being overly used, which seems pretty typical anymore.
Value: It’s not your job. It’s not cars or trucks. It’s not your house. It’s not the money you make.These are secondary things that allow us to be comfortable with our journey in life.
Value is just being you. A human being – the person inside the meat suit. There is no such thing as physical perfection. Respect yourself without thinking you’re above others. Respect yourself to refrain from feeling below others. There is a huge difference of a discussion or silly joke vs abuse or continuous ill treatment. Just being you is enough. Just being you is enough. Repeat that and remember it forever.
So if someone places the things you own or do for a living as a value over who you are – Respect yourself.

Basic Things To Keep Positive For You

These are words to live by – especially for myself. I’m no expert on all of this stuff, but I keep on trying to learn. So this is just my take on things and it might be right, it could be wrong, but I just try my best to reason things out for the positive. I don’t believe in staying negative or surrounding yourself and staying in a toxic relationship. So here we go.

We are all born with different parents with different ethics, morals, values, faiths and view points. Some have more empathy than others and everything plays into how we’re raised as human beings. Then we’re out there into the world trying to find people or a soul mate that is similar enough to how we are.

Even when we do find someone similar, some people look for those that can build them up and never give back. You’re going to run into these kind of people a lot. You just have to keep them out. Unfortunately, they really don’t care about you and there could very well be some sort of medical condition (sociopath, mental illness, narcissism etc) that stands in the way while others just really don’t care. Either way – you can’t change them to become outward focused. Let me repeat  that – you can’t change them to become outward focused.

You must focus on you and recognize just how much time you are spending to make things work in any kind of relationship without seeing a return. It’s okay to expect a return because it should. When you buy a car – you expect it to run. When you buy a plane ticket – you expect to get on that flight. When you sit on a chair – you expect it to hold. When you work at a job – you expect that paycheck.

Giving 100% in a relationship where the other person is giving less than 50% becomes exhausting, boring and frustrating. This will drain your soul, heart and mind of all your positive energy. It’s harder when you’re with someone who claims to be positive, but you have been robbed of everything due to their toxic core. Change this – change you. You can wish things to work, but it won’t without two.


There are really good people out there that do want to give their 100% to you. You know what is holding you back? You. Just let  these people into your life and let them shower you with their love, gentleness, kindness, encouragement, peace, laughter, honesty and so much more. They will speak with wisdom and not tear you down for their benefit. They won’t compliment another person and make you feel stupid. Example: “He/She speaks eloquently” – when the person spent four years in college majoring in Speech Communication and calls you a dumb blonde/idiot, etc.

We will always be different and have different views, it’s just about listening, respect, love, and allowing people to have a different view. There will never be a perfect partner. There is a thick and thin – just don’t let the thin fade into nothing.

If the grass seems greener on the other side or with other people, it’s because they take care of it, maintain it and feed it. If you’re not getting along – it’s because one person doesn’t want the other to have a different view and is looking for perfection. Give – take. Take – give. Give and take together for the benefit of oneness.

Why do I say “especially for myself” up above? Because I tend to give far too much of myself without expecting return. What this does is, it sets me up for being taken for granted or advantage of by people who are not honest and manipulative for their own desires. I want to be with someone who actually listens to me and wants to have conversations about the Universe, life, gaming, cars,and just a simple question of how you’re doing today.

So here’s a little list and maybe I will keep adding to it. So for now – it starts with 11 on the item of basic things to keep positive for you. Just remember – we’re all different. There will never be a perfect person or group of friends.

1. If you want to be trusted, be honest first.
2. Love yourself so much that when someone treats you wrong, you recognize it.
3. Invest in people who invest in you.
4. Be with people who appreciates how you think.
5. Apologizing doesn’t always mean you’re wrong and they are right. It means you value your relationship more than your ego.
6. When people treat you like they don’t care, believe them.
7. Cut anyone and everyone out of your life that makes you feel small, hurt, humiliated, stupid, worthless, etc.
8. Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you.
9. Never push a loyal person to the point where they no longer give a damn.
10. Be with people who always want to know how your day was. Simple/small conversations show they care.
11. Karma. What comes around – goes around.